tdy i made another 50bucks by doing hideous monthly job. all that smiling was killing me but alright shan't complain, it was only an hour;;
killer job #o2 tutoring the twins - Fern was singing (screaming) her school's camp songs loudly at the top of her lungs and refusing to listen to me as usual. post-camp blues..
and then i go and spend my money on a REALLY PRETTY and also REALLY HOLEY blouse. no it wasn't obscene in any way but some delusional fat ass prolly squeezed into S before me and ripped it but yes i bought it anyway. okayokay hyperbole.. i exaggerate. was a lil rip-a-tat.. but still.
my day with c, thus shall end off with something for her..
this is why sometimes some people can be excused for hating cats..
and choose to favour bunny lovess instead..
(i.e me.. no this ain't mine.. adorable aren't they..!)
ha ha.. don't kill me.
/strays don't sleep; for blue skies.